The photo, from this article, states "The military preys on low income communities."
And you know what- YES! YES IT DOES! Any organization that consistently offers jobs and 100% on the job training does. And who is looking for jobs that do not
- Require College education
- Require High school education
- Require A clean criminal background
- Require high intelligence
- Have any sort of race or gender bias for recruitment. (though they may for jobs)
- Free college
- Free training
- Free healthcare (WITH DENTAL! - and one free elective cosmetic surgery!)
- Retirement after 20 years
- Job related disability
- Membership in nations largest gang
"Hey, would you like amazing job security and free college for later in life? You know, a chance to save yourself from the shitter of a life you have?"
"But I'm a high school drop out meth addict with no marketable skills :("
"Get clean, and you could go to nursing school!"
-True story
But ok, I understand, "preying" on the lower class is UNACCEPTABLE, and I agree that we should implement the only possible effective solution:
The draft.
"But Kale! the draft... I mean, forcing all men 18-25 into mandatory service... that is just wrong!!!!"
Oh, I am so sorry! What was I thinking? Of course! Expand the draft to include women... and just to be safe throw in the word "hermaphrodite" - don't want any stragglers left out do we?
"Buh-t, uh... mandatory service is institutionalized slavery!"
Now - shut up, because in this country we extort the poor, not just for war... for everything.